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Natural Aquarium

  • 5405
  • 12 November 2022
  • admin

Natural Aquarium

This natural basin with its crystal-clear waters, fed by the passage of the sea under the coral, serves as a refuge for turtles and fish.

2 km south of Tadine, on the side of the road, this natural aquarium looks like a small portion of the lagoon trapped in a coral wall encircled with plants. This shallow pool with its emerald tones – it is forbidden to swim there – communicates with the sea through a siphon. During the cyclonic period, fish and turtles come to find refuge there. Just across the road from the natural aquarium, Wi Dongo is home to a variety of centuries-old endemic mangrove trees.

L’aquarium naturel
L’aquarium naturel
L’aquarium naturel
L’aquarium naturel
L’aquarium naturel
L’aquarium naturel

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