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Ouvéa Oil/Soap Factory

  • 4125
  • 12 November 2022
  • admin

Ouvéa Oil/Soap Factory

The company Iaai Savonnerie des Îles – ISI – manufactures solid soaps from copra oil supplied by the local oil mill using an artisanal process.

These soaps are offered exclusively on the local market in a range of household soap under the "Iaai" brand and a range of toilet soap sold under the "Ouvéa" brand. It also plans to add perfumes obtained from New Caledonian flora such as vanilla, sandalwood etc. The activity of the soap factory is closely linked to the oil mill located nearby and more generally to the local coconut industry and in this way provides income for a hundred or so copra farmers on the island.

The Agricultural Society of Ouvéa Producers or "SAPO" is active in the manufacture of oil and cake from the high-quality copra provided by Ouvéa’s copra farmers.
The oil is delivered to the Ouvéa soap factory for the manufacture of soaps and as a biofuel for the ENERCAL power plant. The plant employs 4 people full-time.

The two companies can be visited every day of the week from 8 am to 2 pm. Soaps are for sale on site.

La savonnerie d’Ouvéa
La savonnerie d’Ouvéa
La savonnerie d’Ouvéa
La savonnerie d’Ouvéa
La savonnerie d’Ouvéa
La savonnerie d’Ouvéa

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