Hidden treasures :

Meeting with the parakeets

  • 5128
  • 29 November 2022
  • admin

Meeting with the parakeets

In the forests of the north of the island, discover the emblematic Ouvéa parakeet, a protected endemic species.

Eunymphicus uvaeensis (Ouvéa parakeet) is a little green parrot, endemic to Ouvéa. It has a red mark on its forehead and its crest has six black feathers parting behind and then curling forwards. It dwells mainly in the north of Saint Joseph, particularly in the Ognat forest, where it feeds on many seeds.

Bringing together the island's inhabitants, customary authorities and scientists, Ouvéa’s Association for the Safeguarding of Biodiversity, works daily to protect and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of the island respectfully and sustainably. The ASBO has been working since 1993 to protect this species, still classified as endangered by the World Conservation Union, and more recently to manage/protect various other species as part of the management of the UNESCO World Heritage Area. Thanks to its network of coordinators and guides, it carries out missions such as the census of populations of species such as the parakeets, the monitoring of turtle egg-laying, and the fight against the introduction of invasive species. The association also works to save shearwater colonies.

Thirty years ago, when the parrots were caught for European collectors, there were scarcely 600 left. Today, the species numbers between 2,000 and 3,000 individuals. Very often they venture right into the gardens (they adore pawpaws!). The association's guides will be happy to assist you in your birdwatching.

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